As soon as I heard the news that
Blissdom was coming to Dallas, I knew I wanted to go!
Now, I know that I'm not a 'professional' blogger, so I didn't really need to attend the conference, but I had remembered hearing that last year they held a market of sorts with a bunch of handmade goods.
I couldn't have been more excited.
You see, Lindsey is my favorite blogger. I read her blog daily and have purchased a few of her handmade items. I even link up with her every wednesday!
So, thursday morning, I threw myself in a panic trying to find the perfect outfit for meeting her.
Well, I wasn't sure if she would actually be running her booth, so basically I was just going to show up and hope for the best.
I ended up finding an outfit, and hopped in my car to head to the Gaylord Texan i.e. the texas mecca.
After I willingly paid $12.99(!!!!!!!) to park at said mecca, I wandered around the huge hotel trying to find the handmade marketplace.
I eventually found it and walked inside. To my surprise, there was not only
Lindsey, but also
THE Lisa Leonard. I kinda freaked. No really, I did. I saw them and instantly walked out. I was so excited and nervous, that I guess I just couldn't handle it.
I guess when I met those two people there was a long line so I had a while to pull myself together and think about what I was going to say/do.
But they were just sitting there like normal human beings!
(Yes, I do realize they truly are human beings.)
It was one of those surreal moments.
So surreal, I just left.
and then I went home and never ever came back.
Just kidding.
I found myself a chair, and sat for 15 minutes. I had to pull myself together.
and gosh darn it, I paid over $12 just to park, so you can bet your bottom dollar I was going to do what I came there to do.
I walked in, and no one was at Lindsey's booth, so I went there first.
My squeaky, high pitched voice quacked something remotely similar to a "hello" and she smiled and we began chatting. Lindsey was so kind and warming, that I never felt uncomfortable once.
She was genuine and so sweet, and talk about down to earth!
and at one point or another a big crowd came in and pushed me out of the way. Lindsey was so sweet, and walked over to me and continued talking! I was shocked! She really made me feel important.
I was so honored!!
Here is the picture, by the way.
I can't believe I got to take THE Lindsey's WIWW picture!
after all, I take embarrassing pictures of myself every week all because of her!
I hesitated asking for a picture together because I didn't want to be rude. But I did.
and she said yes!
and can you believe who she asked to come take our picture!??!?!
Yes. Lisa Leonard.
As if my day couldn't get any more surreal.
So, naturally I asked if I could grab a picture with her too!
She said yes :)
Talk about comforting! Lisa was so warm and welcoming. She remembered my name for goodness sakes!
She even laughed with me as I dropped my phone on one of her cupcakes for decoration. I was mortified, but Lisa made me laugh it off and she made it no biggie at all.
She was seriously amazing.
Lisa even helped me pick out a necklace.
I had saved up money for this day because I knew I would never get this experience again.
Here is the one I got:
I can't find it online, but it's from her heartfelt collection.
It also was on sale! You know I can't pass up a good deal!
oh, wondering what I got at Lindsey's booth?
I got this
Zippered Pouch for my purse. I fell in love with the colors.
and I loooooved the inside:

So cute, right!?!?!!
I also got:
I adore red and blue together, so this was pretty much a done deal.
and finally, I got

I loved the fabric on this, and since I can't go literally anywhere with out sunglasses, I knew I needed this (I use 'needed' loosely)
but it was out of my budget right now.
and I just dropped $12 just to park my car.
anyways, all in all, it was so much fun! I got to meet two of my favorite bloggers and I got to splurge on a few things for myself.
It was a very successful day.
OH! I almost forgot....
Lindsey actually commented on my insta pic! I was floored!
Thank you
Lindsey and
Lisa for such an amazing experience!
I will cherish this day forever!