
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Easiest (and Ugliest) Berry Cobbler. Ever.

Up at my Grandparent's, there are tons of fresh blackberry bushes. Last year, we picked so many we didn't even know what to do with them all. 
So this year, I added on my Bucket List to make a blackberry cobbler with all of our fresh picked berries. Well, I jinxed it. The few blackberries we could find were over-ripe and sour. 
So my grandma and I resorted to the next option. The Baking Gods must of been against us because we were out of flour to make our own pastry crust and seeing that the nearest town is 20 miles away, we weren't about to go get some. So, we really had to improvise.
 Thus coming up with the easiest, best tasting, definitely not the most beautiful, berry cobbler. 

So guess what? I am going to share with you how to make this (non)beauty. 

Here's what you'll need:

4 cups of your choice in berries (I used these frozen ones from Costco)

2 cups sugar, divided
1 box of (2) pre-made pie crusts
1/3 cup water if using fresh berries, skip the water if you're using frozen.
8 Tablespoons softened butter
Nutmeg and Cinnamon (Optional)
I had to add a bit of cornstarch diluted in water to make my cobbler thicker and less runny. 

First, preheat your oven to 375 and grease your baking dish. I prefer using a cast iron skillet, but use whatever you have. I placed the skillet on a foil wrapped baking sheet in case the cobbler spilled over. 

Then place berries, 1 cup sugar and water (if needed) into saucepan and cook on low heat, stirring often.
Slowly add cornstarch mixture if you feel like the berry mixture is too runny. 
Once berry mixture reaches a slow boil, turn off heat.

Next, unroll one pie crust and place on the bottom of the skillet/dish and add the berry mixture.

This is where ours got ugly.
Add remaining pie crust on top. 
{Ours broke apart in transport, so we kinda patch-worked it on there}
In a small bowl, add remaining cup of sugar and desired amount of cinnamon and nutmeg (I used about a teaspoon of both) and mix. 
Sprinkle mixture all around the crust. 

Then, cube butter and place randomly place it around the skillet. 

Place in oven and bake until the crust is golden brown. 
(Ours took longer than usual at about 30 minutes, checking every ten)

and Viola!
You have the easiest, best tasting berry cobbler around.

It's definitely not the best looking cobbler ever, but it sure tastes delicious!

I recommend serving with a giant scoop of Bluebell Homemade Vanilla.
I'm drooling just thinking about it!

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