
Friday, March 30, 2012

Insta-Friday March Photo-a-day Review:

Linking up with Jeannett for my "monthly" cell pics. Since it's almost the end of march photo a day, I thought I'd share all my pics from this month!

Starting from top left and working from left to right (hopefully that makes sense)
1. Up 
2. fruit
3. your neighborhood
4. bedside

5. a smile
6. 5pm
7. something you wore
8. window

9. red
10. loud
11. you talked to today
12. fork

13. a sign
14. clouds
15. car
16. sunglasses

17. green
18. a corner of your home
19. funny
20. before/after

21. delicious
22. kitchen sink
24. an animal


25. breakfast
26. key
27. your name
28. trash

29. feet
30. toy
31. where you relax!

thats all! believe it or not, this was a lot harder than it looks...I had to make up for a couple days after the fact, but I managed to stay motivated and completed all 31 days!!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Goodwill Hunting

So, heres another random post...
I love goodwill. There I said it. Its an addiction really. I love scouring through the racks and racks of clothes to find that one cute top out of hundreds and I love digging and digging through shelves of junk to find that one gem. Its like hunting, but for women. (oh and you're not killing innocent animals)
So I decided to share with you those gems I found at goodwill this week.
I normally hit up GW on mondays because I find they put out more stock because the weekends over, and plus they introduce a new sale color!

Here is an overall view of everything I found. 
lots of breakables and only one item of clothing.
here is the breakdown
1 floral china vase-1.99
1 beach chair picture frame (for my mom)-.99
1 mason jar with lid closure-.99
1 wrought iron fruit basket thing-1.99
mercury glass bowl-.99
juicy couture dress-1.99

The best part was the dress. It was marked for 3.99 but when I tried it on, it had a small hole that is easy to stich. I loved it, but not for the price. (can you tell I'm cheap??) So, I brought it to the counter and asked if there was anything they could do....and YES! she gave it to me for 1.99!! I was so happy!

here is a close up of some of my finds.

so are you ready for the total....Drumroll please.....

$8.94!!! Can you believe it???

My juicy dress probably was worth over three times that amount alone!!!
I was so happy with all my finds!
I LOVE goodwill!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Linking up with lindsey for What I Wore Wednesday: a place for accountability and inspiration. 
Like I promised, I took LOTS of pictures this week! I finally bought and wore some color which is awesome! I normally only wear neutrals! I also broke out the shorts and flip flops... Spring is here! FINALLY right???

Thursday's Outfit:
Super hot (like 85 degrees!!!)
floral tank- thrifted (orig. target)
white tank and cardi- loft outlet
 I have to admit that I only wore the cardigan to school and in this picture because I was SUPER hot and I also have a really really bad farmers tan!
shorts- thrifted
 Flip flops from old navy which you cant see! :)

Friday's Outfit:

Babysitting and school
Chambray shirt- TJMAXX
black tank- hand-me-down (orig. target)
white capris- thrifted (orig loft)
belt- consigned
sandals-old navy
earrings- from my trip to paris 

Saturday's outfit:
Party and errands
blue shirt- consigned (orig Khols)
white tank- loft outlet
jeans-thrifted (gap)
flats- macy's
necklace- consigned

Monday's Outfit:

COLOR! I know!!! I love it though!
Pleated Purple Dress- F21
jean jacket- thrifted (old navy)
necklace- khols
sandals- old navy

Tuesday's Outfit:
so I decided to try a new trend (colored jeans) and I am kinda unsure about them, I think the fit is off but otherwise, okay I guess.
Just class and a little thrift shopping
White tee- thrifted(orig. Loft)
pink jeans- consigned (orig. Gap)
scarf- paris
sandals (can you tell I need to buy more sandals???)-old navy

and Violia! I am exhausted typing all that! (was it a lot or is that just me??) 
So what are your opinions on color? Do you wear lots of it? Or just subtle pops??
Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Random Humor

So since I dont have anything "important" to blog about, here is a random collection of pins that make me crack up!

and yes, I am leaving you with Ryan Gosling. Your Welcome :)

Friday, March 23, 2012


Can I just say THANK GOODNESS it is Friday! I swear this was the longest week of my existence!!! Geez! (Ok I know, I am being dramatic) But Still!!! 
So Friday can only mean one thing.....INSTA-friday! Im linking up with Jeannett to share my weekly (amateur) cell pictures!

Ok people. Be prepared. There are a LOT of pictures. and I mean a lot. Partly because I missed last week and because I have a bunch of vacation pictures! 
Dont say I didn't warn you!

First off, is my super interesting, and exciting plane ticket!! (enter sarcasm here)
Can you tell I was excited to visit my grandparents?

I LOVE these pictures. I have no idea why! but every.single.time. I ride an airplane, I have to take a picture of the wing with the sky. yep, call me a nerd. 
oh in case you didn't know, I was in GA visiting my grandparents and cousins.

This is my little-est (is that a word?) cousin. I watched him being born, at 13!!! Let me say OUCH! I praise all you mothers out there! Anyway, he is my little man. Although now my little man has an attitude and also a sense of humor. He cracks me up! I told him to smile for a picture while he was fishing and this is what I get. Him fishing with one hand, and picking his booty with another. love that kid. 

then, following the fishing, my aunt, little man, and I set off on a canoe ride. Man, I should have recorded it because it was hilarious! Two blondes trying to steer a canoe. yep. my family. love them!

This I think was a picture from the Photo a day thing. Clouds? right? well, aren't they beautiful! Amazed at god's creations!

This is what we spent our week building. I, for some reason, didnt take a picture of the "treehouse" completed, but here it is in progress. Next project is building my cottage! Cant wait for summer!

Funny story for this one: My "nana" sent my aunt and I to town to buy some ice. We pulled into the dollar general I think, When I saw this huge shack (oxymoron right?) that said ICE! So we tried it out and this thing was AWESOME! So cool in fact, I had to take my picture with it!

This is what I get when I ask for a "nice" picture. (little man and my younger bro up top)

Later in the week, we went hiking down towards a waterfall on my grandparent's property. Here is my aunt and her BFF hiking with me. It was an AWESOME work out let me tell ya!

But it was all worth it because the falls were beautiful!!! THen we decided to hike all the way up the falls (as in we climbed through the falls) It was the coolest experience!

The next day we visited Pointe Park in Chattanooga, or overlooking Chattanooga more like.  Such pretty views and so much history!

Here are little man, my bro, and oldest cousin (still younger than me) climbing dangerous rocks! Boys will be boys right??

And here are my aunt and I watching them, while looking pretty!
ha! Girls! This was actually our last day there. the day after, we all packed up in the car and headed home.

Luckily, we had this beautiful scenery to enjoy on the way home. Oh wait. 
but we did get a great game of I spy whats-in-the-trunk-of-this-dudes-car. very exciting if I don't say!

the best part of road trips are the gas station stops (for me at least) but did you know that they make "SHARE SIZE" crazy I know! this thing was HUGE!!

I knew I was home when I saw this gorgeous view! There is nothing like texas sunsets!

and this little angel was waiting for me when I got home. I missed her  she missed me so much!!

and look at this beauty I found to hold all my flower pins and such! I LOVE it! I need to take a pic of it with all my posys!

enjoying my FREE cup of tea thanks to Influenster! It was great!

plus I loved the rainbow of colors the tea bags came in! I cant wait to try them all, oh but not licorice. 

and I'm leaving you with this super random picture of a strawberry on steroids. Seriously this thing was huge, GINORMOUS! it was almost the same size as my iphone!!!

ok, whew, that was a lot. I know, random and weird and personal. But thats me. take it or leave it :)   (Please take it because I REALLY like you ;) )

and now I am exhausted and have to study for an exam, so I bid you adieu! Till next time folks (ok I am a looney tunes character now apparently)

Have a fabulous weekend y'all!