
Monday, August 18, 2014

Longest Yard Sale Finds

My grandparents live right off highway 157 which holds the world's longest yard sale every year (first week in August).
I've been going for about three years now and enjoy it so much! I am an avid yard sale-r...well actually my entire family is, so we all really have so much fun going!

Over the years we've learned little where the best spots are and how to spot antique dealers vs real yard sales. 

This year I didn't walk away with too many things, but I figured I'd share my biggest find.

An elder woman had a small tent on the side of the road and we pulled over to check her sale out. 

I glanced around and didn't see anything, so I began walking back to my car.

My mom called me to come over to look into a box.
I asked her what it was and she just told me to come and see.

I'm so glad I did!

These little (ok, big!) gems were inside.
That blue...I die. 
Seriously. I about fell over when I saw these vintage blue mason jars!
I dreaded asking her how much they were because I had seen plenty at other sales for over $8 each!!!

She told me $20 for all and winked at me.

for 17 jars.
I'm pretty sure I jumped for joy then ran to the car to hide my finds from the rest of the world so they couldn't get their hands on them before I did.

Yep. I still can't believe I got all these for $20. 
I'm planning on selling a few and keeping some for me :)

I also got a few books (shocking), a brand new Kate Spade phone case for $3 and a few clothing items to sell.

Can't wait for the Longest Yard Sale 2015!

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