
Friday, April 11, 2014

Wait, What? I Won a Writing Award!?!?!

One afternoon, I received a phone call. It wasn't a number I recognized, but something told me to answer it anyway. I'm so glad I did because it was a call from my former college telling me that I placed in their creative writing contest and was invited to the ceremony in a few days (today)!

 I wrote a piece for my creative writing class last semester and part of our grade was submitting it somewhere.

 I chose the contest my school did for the entire state for not only college students but nonprofessional writers...
and out of 700 entities, I placed fourth! I was literally shocked.
 I don't really consider myself a 'writer' because
A. I have terrible grammar skills
and B. My paper wasn't even really that good. It was just a paper I wrote for that course. 

I think it's funny because I only got a B on the paper in my class... I kinda wanted my professor to be there so I could show her that I actually won an award for that B! Hehehe. 

Anyway, if you're curious, my piece was a short story about the repercussions of hit-and-run accidents. (It was actually meant to be somewhat of a fable) It's titled "The Green Balloon".
Who knows, maybe I'll share it on here sometime!

After the ceremony, my brothers and I celebrated by eating at Red Robin.
It's been a great start to the weekend, that's for sure!


  1. Whoo-Hoooo!!! Congratulations AC!!! So excited and happy for you!!!! Keep writing!

  2. I'm proud of you, Amber! You excel in all that you do!!!

  3. You absolutely should share it on the blog! I can't wait to read it!


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