
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bountiful Baskets

Have y'all ever heard of Bountiful Baskets Co-op? Our family had never heard of it until someone suggested it to us. Our family loves fresh produce and normally we have to go to a 'specialty' store (Sprouts) because we just prefer their produce choices over our regular store. I would say that the majority of our grocery budget goes towards fresh produce so when we read about Bountiful Baskets we knew we had to try it! Luckily, it was an A week, so we were just in time.

Our first basket, we wanted to try the regular basket instead of the organic, just to test everything out. We also opted for the extra tomatoes and we also added the 'juicing pack'.

We were amazed when we loaded all of our fresh veggies and fruits into our car! The baskets roughly contain 50% fruit and 50% veggies.

Here is everything we got in the conventional basket:

Plus, here's what our juicing pack looked like:

and finally, our 25lbs of tomatoes.
You won't believe how much all of this cost.... ready? drumroll....


Isn't that crazy!?!?!

The conventional basket cost $15
The juicing basket cost $8.50
And the 25lbs of tomatoes cost $13.75

Just to show you, here's everything that came in the conventional basket:

1 bag of grapes
12 apples
1 carton of grape tomatoes
8 bananas
7 potatoes
4 tangelos
1 yellow squash
3 peppers
5 onions
4 comice
4 broccoli heads
1 romaine lettuce

 I can't even begin to tell you how much all of that would cost at the store! Needless to say, we will be eating well (with lots of tomatoes) for the next few weeks.

 Definitely check out Bountiful baskets if you haven't already!

 *not sponsored, I just think it's flippin' awesome!


  1. Really cool & a great way to get fresh fruits and veggies!

  2. I'm behind on my blogs (again), so I don't know if you've followed up on this.... but how did the produce taste? And how long did it last? Were you able to eat it all before it started to go bad?


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