
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Graduate...

Gah! I so apologize for the crickets around here. If I could only tell you how extremely busy I was..... Oh wait, I am about to tell you. So since we were cut short a weekend during Christmas (Darn Thanksgiving!) and the fact that we had a ginormous ice storm last weekend, everything got crammed into this past weekend. Let me give you a taste of my last 5 days.

Thursday- My Algebra final at 8 then I babysat 10-5.
Friday- Just a small milestone.... I graduated (!!!!).
Saturday- Our church groups annual party, then I babysat that evening (different kids).
Sunday-My mom and I's annual Christmas Cookie Exchange party!
And all this week I am sitting 9-5.
Not to mention that I had finals Monday-Thursday.
Phew, I hardly had a chance to breathe!

But anyway, I am sharing today my graduation photos! I know, I know, there's a lot of me...but hey! It was my day!

  I couldn't be happier that I've made it to this point. Through blood, sweat and tears (Ok, maybe no blood but you get the idea) I've completed my first two years of college.

 I feel like I've almost fought for this right because for the past two years, I have been told so many times that community college "isn't a real school" and how "only dumb people go to community college."

 Now, I have a diploma to show those people.

Back to the ceremony...
My mom and youngest brother were the only ones there. It's a long story, but my brother was stuck in traffic, my SIL had a previous engagement, I completely forgot to invite my Aunt (finals brain) and everyone else was out of state. It was still perfect even without them physically there.

Can you spot me?

Here I am walking across the stage! 
My very first professor (who also turned out to be one of my last) was a chancellor on stage and she gave me the biggest hug. I loved that!

 After the ceremony, my older brother finally made it up and we all met at one of my favorite restaurants, Babe's.
My sweet mom and I

(yes I am holding a bag of fried chicken and my mom is holding a bag of corn... If you've been to Babes, you know why)

and we finished the evening with a trip to Walmart. Hehehe, that's so my family! 

It was such a fun, exciting evening and I have to say I am pretty darn proud of myself. Not only did I maintain a 3.8 GPA, passed College Algebra, but I got a degree. I am a college educated individual. That's exciting!

Next stop is my Bachelor's at UNT next spring. Bring it on!

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