
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beauty Gurus I LOVE, 31 Days of LOVE

About two years ago, I stumbled across a section of youtube I had never heard of before. I thought Youtube was just for viral hilarious clips (Hello Charlie Bit Me and Screaming goat!) and for music videos. Boy was I wrong. 
I stumbled across the beauty gurus, and it's completely changed me.
Watching these 'gurus' do their make up really taught me everything I know about makeup. 
People will ask me "How'd you get that perfect winged liner" or "How does your skin look so flawless" and my reply is always youtube. 
Today I thought I'd enlighten you to a few of my favorite girls to watch! Maybe you too will learn a few things!
Oh and a couple of these gals I've mentioned in this post about their blogs.

{Just click on their name and it will bring you to their page}

She's by far my favorite youtuber. Not only is she super talented at makeup (she should totally be a makeup artist) but I always look for her reviews first before buying products. She will always give you her honest opinion on a product. 

Not only is her accent completely adorable, she really knows makeup. This girl For real! I believe she was a free lance MUA  but now just does youtube.
I love her Friday's Favorites and a possible poo whew!, her tutorials are the bomb and I trust her opinion on products as well.
Plus, us southerners gotta stick together!

You guys. She is freakin' hilarious. and drop dead gorgeous. Quite a combo, huh! 
I love her random videos and also her makeup tutorials. Plus, I can guarantee that I will laugh every single video. Oh, and she lives in Texas. So I automatically like her. :)

I am addicted to her videos! She seems like such a sweet person in real life and I have to admit, I am totally jealous of her hair! It always looks so pretty and her makeup is always flawless and natural.  I love her feminine style. 

5. Zoella
I just love her. She's british and just plain adorable. I like her style in both clothes, makeup and decor. She doesn't post a lot of beauty videos, but when she does, they rock. 

and there are a bunch more I'm forgetting and I didn't even include my favorite vloggers! 
Definitely check them out if you haven't and tell me which ones you love!

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