
Friday, August 16, 2013

Wearing Your Confidence: Guest Post from Denise @ Deaf Girl Musings

 I'm so excited to share today's guest post with you!
Denise over at Deaf Girl Musings is not only one of my best friends, she also happens to be my Aunt!
We are pretty much 'blogging buddies' so I invited her here to fill in for me while I try to settle back in after my trip!
She's an amazing writer that can make me both laugh and cry at the same time. 

* I am so stoked to be a guest blogger on "The Butterfly Effect" as this is hands down, my absolute FAVORITE blog!!! I always look forward to each post as I know I'm going to be learning something whether it be about beauty, fashion, crafting or just plain simple facts of life! One major tip I picked up from "The Butterfly Effect" is that you can look good and not spend a fortune. Seriously, this blog has taught me to try harder at looking my best! I also had the influence of another fashion-minded person! Read on!

One of my very best friends 
in this whole wide world, 
is Emogene. 
I'm in my 40s and she is in her 80s.
Despite the age difference,
we love to hang out together!

Emogene had a career in fashion
and to this day,
she is always "dressed to the nines!"
Even when she puts on a pair of blue jeans
and a t-shirt with tennis shoes
so we can go walking,
she looks like she belongs 
in a magazine.

Emogene & my son, Simon, at an event.

I, on the other hand, was happy 
just to be dressed
on most days. "I'm a Mom!"
I reasoned and used as an excuse
to not try very hard.

However, over the years, Emogene
has taught me a thing or two
about fashion, style and confidence.

I remember picking her up one 
crisp, fall day. We were going to a nursing home
to visit a friend and serve communion. 
I should explain first that
I"m overweight... I've been carrying these extra pounds
ever since I had my first child 17 years ago!
That day, I thought I looked nice. I wore basic black dress pants
with an oversize beige sweater and black flats.

"Oh my," Emogene sighed as she looked me over,
"You are already plump, dear, why would you dress
to make yourself look bigger? I also don't mean
to criticize... but you are not a boring 
person. Why are you wearing boring colors?"

Most people would have felt insulted.
I can assure you that I did not. 
Emogene always speaks in a soft, soothing manner.
She really is super sweet!
I grinned and replied that I simply 
did not have time to fuss over myself.

To which, she put her hand on my arm and said,
"You must make time."

I looked at her quizzically and she explained.
"I think we all owe it to ourselves, to God, 
and really just to everyone, to put forth
our very best appearance when we leave the house."
And that was style lesson number one!

She has since then, taught me other lessons
and has given me tips and advice
for the duration of our friendship.

For example:
"If you define your own individual style
instead of copying someone else,
people will "see" the real you."

Rachel Zoe agrees with Emogene!

"Be confident in your style choices and
be respectful to others about their style choices.
We older gals need to inspire the younger 
chickadees to be the same way."

Along with:
"Just feel good about yourself today. You will glow!
Others will see you shine and they will smile 
which can be your good deed for the day!"

Another good one:
"If you don't like the color of your hair, change it.
That's the fun part of being a lady. We get to change our
hair color, hair styles and play with makeup 
to accentuate our features 
or cover up our less desirable ones. 
We are just like movie stars!"

And the most recent lesson:
Be good to your body.
 Don't be harsh and starve it.
Don't push it to the point of aches and pain 
so that you cannot get up out of bed in the morning.
Eat good food, get some exercise everyday,
dress well so you feel good and pretty,
 then go out to do the Lord's work!"

Needless to say, 
no more basic black dress pants
or oversize beige sweaters for me.
I cannot tell you my exact clothing size
because I really just buy what fits
my body and makes me feel confident
regardless of what number is printed
on that tag. I am risky in color choices
and bold with my accessories.
I'm even known to don 
one of my son's (Simon) fedoras
or even wear a cowboy hat
while gardening or walking the dog.

I still have days where I'm just happy 
to be dressed... but not too many.
Emogene's guidance & The Butterfly Effect's inspiration
 has brought out the "Supermodel" in me.

Peace be with you!
(And many thanks for the invite!)

Whatcha waitin' for and go over and follow Deaf Girl Musings!
and thanks so much Denise for guest posting for me!


  1. Love it Denise. Definitely good food for thought- especially for us moms!!


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