
Monday, June 17, 2013

On Fairytales and Happily Ever Afters....

Are you ready for a mushy post? No? OK, well too bad. I feel like writing something that's been in the back of my mind for a while....

Lets start here:

I've never had a "serious" boyfriend. There. I said it.

Sure, I had several 'boyfriends' in grade school, but those don't count. Do they?

It's not because I am against dating or anything like that. Trust me, it would've been nice to have a date to prom and someone to hang out with on the weekends. But it just never happened for me. I'd like to say it was because no one was interested in me. My family begs to differ, but that's another story.

Anyways, since I never really dated anyone, I found myself reading a lot of love stories. (hence my love for nicholas sparks and the start of my troubles).

They left me wanting more. More than just the average love. More than just meeting online or in college or at work, you know more than just the average.

I wanted a passionate, enchanting, all consuming love story. It made me want someone just like in those love stories. Someone who is patient, kind, and beguiling. He would know every detail about me and he'd care for me more than he does for himself. He's funny, caring and kind. He'd jump in front of a car for me, and he would never leave me.

I want more.

(See, cheesy!! I know! but it's the truth...)

But is that all it really is, a fairytale?

Can that kind of passionate, all consuming kind of love really exist?

Part of me feels like wanting that kind of love is the same as me wishing that some sparkly vampire or even Prince Charming will fall in love with me.  I will spend my whole life waiting for something that will never come.

Am I hoping, wishing for something that will never happen?

A while ago, my biggest fear would be that I'd end up alone at the end of my life. But I've come to realize that that's not the worst thing that could happen to me. I think I've accepted that I will probably never find a love like that.
But you know what? I will still have my happily ever after. I will still fall in love, just in other ways...with cities, with my job, with memories. I will still be loved by my friends and my family. And if love does find me, I will run full force with open arms, but I won't wait my entire life for it.
 and if you ask me, that's the best love story I've ever heard.


  1. Just beautiful and intelligent..this post is too!

  2. I was working on this post on my own blog at the very same time you posted this post on yours. I hope it encourages you in some way. And good luck to you!

    1. I loved your story Becky, it really spoke to my heart and gave me hope! Thank you!

  3. From someone who didn't date until she graduated from college, if love does "happen" upon you, more than likely it will be passionate and enchanting, he will be willing to die for you, you'll think he's funny, kind, and daring, and you'll adore each other. All of that, as cheesy as it sounds, does exist. At least it has for me.

    What also exists is the great challenge of caring so much for one person. It's not easy, and it's not always fun. There will be times when he's in a bad mood and isn't acting very passionate or maybe very kind. But you have to commit to him, regardless. Because those sweet, wonderful moments always return. Hey, you yourself will have your very bad days and he'll probably wonder what on earth he got himself into. ;) But it's always worth the commitment.

    The fairy tale side of a relationship does exist, and it's vibrant! But the reality side exists too, so be prepared to commit and work. :)

    Just my 2 cents.

    1. I completely agree April! I think that so many times these days, people tend to forget that marriage takes so much more work than just being in love. I want to believe 100% that fairytales exist, but I don't think you fully can until you experience it for yourself. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and encouragement!!!

  4. Never ever give up hope! It is what makes you live for another day!

  5. pS... through all the hurt and pain, I've never given up on the fairytale and the happily ever after.... even if I'm 100 and meet the one!

    1. Now THAT would be a love story ;)

      You're an inspiration!

  6. If the Nicholas Sparks type of love happened in real life all the time, no one would read the stories. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's possible, but real life just simply is not like a fairy tale. I believe in making your own love story. You can read about the start of my love story if you wish! Good luck! You'll find the right guy when it's meant to be!

    1. Very good point! Loved you're story, by the way!


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