
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

I had a brilliant idea the other day. 
Okay, I know I have those a lot ;)
 but this time, it was really good. 

I was thinking about my board on pinterest
(click the link to see it)
and basically, it's a combination of a whole bunch of pictures that make my heart flutter. 
Things I love.
Things like Paris
and Boys
and Shoes 
and Dogs 
and Books.

Every time I pull up this board, I get lost in the pictures for hours. I always enjoy looking at these pictures that, well, I love. 
So, I was thinking
Wouldn't it be cool if I had a scrapbook of sorts to look at all these images I like so much? 
Like one I can hold in my hand, and that's not just on a computer screen.

I knew making an actual scrapbook would take a lot of time, and to be honest, I didn't want to waste all   the ink in my printer.
So, I came up with the next best thing:

I would save all the pictures to my computer, upload them to a book, and I would have them forever!

It pretty much sealed the deal when I saw that they were running a 50% off sale, plus I had a $10 coupon. 
So, I got busy decorating each page and adding all my pictures. It was so much fun! And so much cleaner than actual scrapbooking (I always make a huge mess with all the supplies)

If you're interested, you can see my book here:
I titled it 
"A few of my favorite things..."

because that's just what it is. A few of my favorite things. 
So, I ended up paying $26.00 after shipping for my book. I didn't really have the money, but I knew it was worth it to me. Every time I will see it, I will be instantly happy, because it will be filled with my most favorite things in the world. 

I am so excited to see how it turns out!

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