
Friday, December 7, 2012


life rearranged
Well, we made it folks.
It's friday, which means  I am studying like crazy for my final, and tonight we are doing a family tradition: Christmas Light Looking!
Does your family do this?
We get all cozy in pj's and blankies, then hop in the car and crank up the christmas music.
We stop and get hot chocolate and then drive around for hours just looking at lights.
I look forward to it every year!
Anyways, Here is my week in "insta" form:
Follow me, I'm achammer!

Monday was my Mom's Birthday, and my oldest brother wasn't feeling well.
He took the day off work and I took the day of school.
We had a blast! I love hanging out with him. He is so smart and knowledgeable. 
Here we are shopping at khols picking up my moms present: A record player!

So November and December are crazy months around here. My birthday is the 17th my little brother's is the 21st, and my moms is december 3rd. So, by the time my mom's birthday rolls around, we are all sick of cake. 
I opted to make homemade rice krispies to fill the void (also because they're her favorite).
They were delish!

Later that day, we went to our local downtown and saw Christmas Vacation at the old theatre.
Well, our downtown also happens to be the Christmas Capital of Texas. Like for real.
The entire street is decked out, complete with this gorgeous tunnel of lights.
I was in love.

See, I don't lie!

The coolest part was this tree that "danced" to music.
It was awesome!

Town Hall couldn't be forgotten either!

Even though I had such a fabulous day playing "hickey" from school,
the next day I had to get back to reality.
Finals.... they will be the death of me.

which also leads me to this amaze-balls picture. 
"and I said oh lord jesus it's a fire!"

Oh, you know, the usual.
Obviously, I just forgot to say goodbye.

I have a confession:
I am a terrible wrapper.
Seriously. so bad.
My mom actually banned me from it.
So I just watch and attempt to learn.
But my skills are still awful.
Hey, at least I am really really good at unwrapping!

Have a great friday guys!


  1. Haha, I'm a terrible wrapper as well!
    You have a cute blog!

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one! hehe :)
      Thanks for stopping by!


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