
Monday, October 8, 2012

Best EVER egg custard.

Heres something you may not know about me. 
I cannot cook.
at all.
I can bake fairly well, 
but I am lazy.
very lazy.
And if there is a shortcut I will take it.

when I saw this pin for egg custard,

I instantly wanted to make it.
it required a lot of work.
work I wasn't willing to do.
So what did I do?

I created a shortcut.
so maybe it was Jell-o
but whatevs. 
details. shmeetails

nothing says fall to me, than yummy comfort foods, and egg custard is perfect for that!!

So here's what you need:

a box (two for me, you'll taste why) of Jell-o brand custard mix 
fyi: this is hard to find. I'm not going to lie. I found it at food Lion...
in Tennessee (I live in Dallas)

A pot or cast iron pot (mine is martha stewart)

2 cups (per box) of Whole Milk- promised land is the best. Without a doubt. 
and it's not filled with hormones and pesticides.
buy it. you wont regret it.
a whisk

1 egg yolk per box.
This just add richness to the custard.
for me, this is a must.

seriously people. pay more money for good eggs.

you CAN taste a difference

and, once again, they are better for you.

even if your eating egg custard :)

Add all ingredients into the pot, and turn heat on medium.
This is major.
Dont turn it up any higher because it wont work.

You will burn the custard.

Then whisk.
and whisk, 
and whisk.
Whisk until your arm falls off.
Because guess what happens when you stop whisking?
it will burn. 

So, after what seems to be forever, It should start to thicken.
and once it boils, you're done!
well sort of.

Spoon the custard into cups or whatever you have on hand. 
Note that the custard will NOT have the solid consistency you think it should have, that comes later.
It should feel thick but not solid.

Place in your super dirty fridge for 1 hour minimum.
This will make the custard, well, a custard. 

and if you're like me, 
as soon as 1 hour passes, jump for joy and run to the fridge to chow down on your fantastically tasting and super easy egg custard. 
but wait, you're not finished

If you want an added flavour of spice,
add a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg

Trust me, It is so good and perfect for fall!
and did I mention, 
SUPER easy!

ps. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Canada will always have a special place in my heart!

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