
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's Wednesday, which means.....
Happy Last Day of School
( or summer in normal talk)

I am so excited that I finished my first year of college! I am doing a happy dance right now!
(jk, no wait, I am serious!)

Linking up with Lindsey over at the pleated poppy for some fashion accountability and inspiration!

My clothing choices were kinda blah this week, so bear with me :)

(WARNING: shield your eyes for some serious white legs!)
The sun was dreary this day so my pictures turned out super white... whiter than they really are. I promise!
Finals and chores around the house:
Shirt- garage sale/no tag
capris- levis-via Goodwill
sandals- target via goodwill

Necklace: Consigned

earrings- made by me

Super hot on this day ~like 97!! 
oh, texas, this love/hate relationship isnt going very well
Needless to say, I was sweating my tail off!
Tank (Similar one here) - Jcrew via Goodwill
Skirt- Gap (consigned)
Jean shirt- banana republic (consigned)
this is the second time I have worn this skirt and I offically hate it on me. I love love love it on the hanger, but it makes me look funky, so I am selling it back...
too bad cause I love it in theory!
Hard to see but I am wearing long dangly earrings from franchescas

again, another super hot day, which is getting to be the norm here. SCARY!
can you imagine what august is going to be like?
So anyway, in case your wondering why my skin is super red, its because I am crazy hot! My skin is ver sensitive to heat, so if I am even a bit hot, I look like a chile pepper.
yup, story of my life.
blue tee- calvin klein via Goodwill
shorts are LC from Khols 
Sandals via consignment shop
White tank- loft outlet

I tried to layer my necklaces, but it just annoyed me all day, so I wont be doing that again. Plus I hate how it looks here.

short necklace is lisaleonard
hard to see, but the longer is actually a butterfly wing necklace I got similar here ( I cant find the original lady, but this one is close)
 She gets the wings naturally (meaning she doesnt kill them) 
and I love, obviously, butteflies.
My mom got me the necklace for christmas so I smile when I look at it :) great memories!

Sorry for the sad mirror pictures, but I literally had no one to take my picture yesterday, so this is what it is. 
it was finally cool enough to wear my new (to me) scarf!
tee- target
necklace- lisa (same as above)
chucks-goodwill ie. my best find ever!!! 
I had been wanting a black pair for a while now, so when I saw them at goodwill I about they sparkle. only problem was I only could find! Obviously only one shoe wouldn't work so I left. A couple days later, I ran in again, and violia, both of them sitting there! Amazing! I was so happy!

Thats what I got for ya this week! I know, you probably fell asleep by now, but I promise next week will be better!
Leave me some comments!


  1. Love the blue and black striped skirt!

  2. I found silver chucks 2 weeks ago .... my daughter about fainted when she saw them pippa


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